Federal Officials Withdraw From Coalition for Health Artificial Intelligence

The withdrawal of Tripathi and Tazbaz from the Coalition for Health AI (CHAI) board of directors has raised questions about the future of AI governance in healthcare. As nonvoting members, they were federal liaisons on the board, working with industry leaders to set safety standards and evaluate the use of artificial intelligence in healthcare.

However, their decision to step down from CHAI came just four months after joining the board. According to CHAI, Tripathi’s various roles within HHS could present conflicts of interest, leading him to withdraw from the board. Tazbaz, director of Digital Health Center of Excellence at the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), did not provide a comment in response to STAT’s request for information.

The withdrawal of these federal officials from CHAI raises concerns about government oversight versus industry collaboration in regulating the use of AI in healthcare. Tripathi also leads HHS’ AI task force, which was established as part of a White House executive order on safe AI use. As such, his work with HHS may conflict with his work on CHAI’s board.

As AI continues to play an increasingly important role in healthcare, it is crucial that there is clear governance frameworks in place to ensure its safe and effective use. This may require greater collaboration between federal agencies and industry stakeholders to establish new guidelines for AI use in healthcare.

In conclusion, the withdrawal of Tripathi and Tazbaz from CHAI’s board highlights the challenges that come with balancing government oversight with industry collaboration in regulating AI use in healthcare. It is essential that both parties work together towards creating clear guidelines that will benefit patients while ensuring safety and ethical considerations are taken into account.

By Samantha Smith

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