June’s best science images: Watch millions of sleeping butterflies in action and more

Wildlife photographer Jaime Rojo captured a striking shot of the Monarch butterflies in Michoacán, Mexico, which has won the grand prize at this year’s Big Picture photography competition. The image depicts these beautiful creatures forming dense clusters high up in the trees to rest and regain their strength after migrating around 3,000 miles from Canada and the United States during spring.

However, Rojo is concerned for the future of such sights as they may become rare due to climate change, deforestation, and pesticide exposure. The Monarch butterflies rely on the milkweed plant for laying their eggs, and the overall loss of this plant could impact their population significantly.

The photograph serves as a reminder of the delicate balance in nature and the threats that these beautiful creatures face. It highlights the importance of conservation efforts to protect these delicate creatures and their habitats, ensuring that future generations can continue to marvel at their awe-inspiring beauty.

In conclusion, Rojo’s photograph captures not only the beauty but also the vulnerability of these magnificent butterflies. It emphasizes the need for immediate action to protect them from extinction caused by human activities.

By Samantha Smith

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