Local Business Community Launches Fundraiser for Uptown Italian Restaurant Damaged by Driver

The local business community in Uptown is coming together to support a restaurant that was severely damaged when a driver crashed through its facade on Sunday night. At 9:45 p.m. Sunday, a 27-year-old man ran a red light while driving north on North Clark Street, causing a collision with a car traveling west on Montrose Avenue before crashing into Anna Maria Pasteria at 4400 N. Clark St, according to police. The driver received citations for various violations and was taken to the hospital for minor injuries.

Despite the challenges, owner Anna Spinelli hopes to reopen the restaurant as soon as possible. Anna Maria Pasteria, opened in 1989 by Anna Spinelli and her late sister Maria, has been a popular Italian restaurant on the North Side. The sisters built a loyal customer base after coming to Chicago from the Basilicata region of southern Italy.

The impact of the crash devastated the interior of Anna Maria Pasteria, with shattered glass covering the floor and furniture destroyed. Photos and videos show the extent of the damage. The Greater Ravenswood Chamber of Commerce has set up a GoFundMe campaign to raise $20,000 to help cover repair costs not covered by insurance, as well as to assist the six employees who are currently out of work while the restaurant remains closed.

The local business community is rallying around to support Anna Maria Pasteria’s recovery efforts. Despite

By Samantha Smith

As a content writer at newsprevent.com, I immerse myself in the dynamic realm of news and share compelling stories that resonate with our audience. With a meticulous eye for detail and a passion for crafting engaging narratives, I strive to deliver informative and captivating content that informs, entertains, and sparks meaningful conversations. My dedication to staying current with the latest trends and my commitment to delivering high-quality content make me an invaluable asset to the team. Whether I'm diving into investigative pieces or crafting thought-provoking op-eds, I approach each project with creativity, dedication, and a drive to make a difference in the world of journalism.

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