French students from universities in France unite with American pro-Palestinian demonstrations and take over SciencesPo campus.

In Paris, two young men, both 22 years old, stand in front of the Sciencespo faculty headquarters. They are waving a Palestinian flag and chanting slogans in support of Gaza. Throughout the day, they are stopped by barricades made of trash cans, fences, bicycles, and wooden pallets. They wear masks to conceal their identities and fear disciplinary actions or being identified by the extreme right.

Several young people inside the building have Palestinian scarves and masks on, holding brochures demanding justice and criticizing the ongoing violence. Marie, one of the protestors, expresses concern about the repressive responses they face when denouncing the situation in Gaza. Nearly a hundred students have gathered in this symbolic location, protesting against the genocide in Gaza and supporting similar movements in American universities.

Some students have even spent the night inside the building to continue their protest. The group demands that university management condemn attacks in Gaza, lift sanctions against penalized students, and create an open space for debate on the issue. The protest has attracted attention from political figures and has caused university management to close other locations and schedule meetings with students.

The movement taking place at Sciencespo is reminiscent of France’s historical May 68 protests, drawing on a tradition of activism within its student body. The demonstration has sparked solidarity from France’s political left; members of France Insoumise party joined it too. Minister of Higher Education Sylvie Retailleau called for dialogue but condemned any form of blockade

By Samantha Smith

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