Argentina calls for increased governmental accountability regarding personal data breaches and evaluates current legislation

In the last two weeks, Argentina has been hit by a series of significant personal data breaches. Firstly, a cybercriminal published over 115,000 stolen photos from Renaper in early April. Two weeks later, almost 6 million images of Argentine driver’s licenses were stolen and distributed. Last Thursday, another attacker released a database with 65 million records from Renaper. These incidents have sparked concerns about data protection and cybersecurity in the country.

In response to these incidents, the Via Libre Foundation presented a report demanding more responsibility from the government. Led by Beatriz Busaniche, president of the foundation and an expert in privacy and information rights, the report featured specialists in three crucial areas related to personal data processing.

The report highlighted the risks associated with personal data leaks, such as identity fraud and unauthorized access to sensitive information. It also addressed underlying issues related to state responsibility and legal frameworks in Argentina. The presentation focused on improving data management practices within the government, including revisiting identification policies, setting limits on data collection, and updating legislation related to data protection. Speakers at the event discussed historical contexts of data collection in Argentina and challenges of transferring data between state agencies while highlighting legal frameworks that could improve transparency in case of security incidents.

The full presentation provided valuable insights into current challenges facing data protection in Argentina and urgent need for reforms to safeguard citizens’ digital rights.

In conclusion, these recent events have shown that there is still much work to be done when it comes to protecting personal data in Argentina. While efforts are being made to address these issues head-on, it is clear that more needs to be done if we are going to ensure that citizens’ digital rights are fully protected.

It is important for individuals and organizations alike to stay informed about these developments and take action wherever possible to help safeguard their own privacy and security online. This may include taking steps like using strong passwords, enabling two-factor authentication whenever possible, regularly reviewing credit card statements for suspicious activity or even seeking legal advice if they suspect their personal information has been compromised.

Ultimately though it’s up to governments around the world including Argentina

By Samantha Smith

As a content writer at, I immerse myself in the dynamic realm of news and share compelling stories that resonate with our audience. With a meticulous eye for detail and a passion for crafting engaging narratives, I strive to deliver informative and captivating content that informs, entertains, and sparks meaningful conversations. My dedication to staying current with the latest trends and my commitment to delivering high-quality content make me an invaluable asset to the team. Whether I'm diving into investigative pieces or crafting thought-provoking op-eds, I approach each project with creativity, dedication, and a drive to make a difference in the world of journalism.

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