Speaker from Christian Science to speak at Chautauqua Institution this Sunday | Latest news, Sports updates, Job listings

Nicole Virgil, a practitioner of Christian Science healing and public speaker, will be delivering her talk titled “Be Set Free” on Sunday at 1:30 p.m. in Smith Wilkes Hall, located at 21 Foster Ave., Chautauqua. This event is free and open to the community and is sponsored by the First Church of Christ, Scientist, Jamestown, and the Christian Science Informal Group at Chautauqua.

In her talk, Virgil will focus on universal healing principles found in the Holy Bible, specifically in the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. She will show how these teachings can be understood and experienced by anyone through the lens of Christian Science. The event aims to provide attendees with a glimpse into how people can find freedom from physical, emotional, and circumstantial restrictions that may seem beyond their control.

Through personal examples from her own life and professional practice of Christian Science, Virgil will emphasize the scientific nature of this practice. She will also explain how individuals can prove its effectiveness for themselves as detailed in Mary Baker Eddy’s book “Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures,” which she taught as original Christian healing based on Jesus’ teachings in John 14:12 where he says those who believe in him will do even greater works.

Virgil is a member of the Christian Science Board of Lectureship who travels daily from her home near Chicago, Illinois to speak to audiences about this practice as she helps people overcome challenges through science-based prayer approaches.

By Samantha Smith

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