Protesters at Sciences Po in Paris block entrance to condemn Israel’s actions in Gaza

At the Paris Institute of Political Studies (Sciences Po) university in France, students staged a protest to express their opposition to Israel’s war on Gaza. The demonstration was part of a broader movement of students and college campuses across the United States, who were also protesting against Israel’s actions.

During the demonstration, the students chanted in support of Palestinians and displayed Palestinian flags and keffiyeh head scarves to show solidarity with Gaza. Hicham, a 22-year-old master’s student in human rights and humanitarian studies at Sciences Po, emphasized the importance of the academic world taking a stand against Israel’s actions. He hoped that the movement seen in the United States and Australia would gain momentum in France. Zoe, a 20-year-old master’s student in public administration, echoed these sentiments and highlighted the students’ determination to continue protesting until the situation in Gaza improved.

However, despite their demands for change, Sciences Po officials did not provide a response to the protest. Earlier in the week, police had removed a group of students blocking access to the university, which drew criticism from left-wing politicians. Despite this setback, Hicham and Zoe are not deterred from continuing their fight for justice in Gaza. They are calling for an end to what they describe as genocide and hope that other universities around the world will join them in this cause.

By Samantha Smith

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