UN Condemns Stricter Regulations on Women’s Veiling in Iran

Iranian women continue to face danger despite the tragic death of Masha Amini two years ago. The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights has reported that controls on women without veils are becoming stricter in Iran. Spokesperson Jeremy Laurence revealed that there have been widespread arrests and harassment of women and girls, particularly those aged 15 to 17. Iranian police, both in uniform and plainclothes, are using violent measures to enforce the country’s strict hijab laws.

Recently, there have been reports of hundreds of businesses being shut down for not adhering to veil laws, as well as the use of surveillance cameras to monitor drivers who violate the rules. In mid-April, Iranian police announced they would increase enforcement of mandatory veil wearing for women in public spaces. Since the 1979 Islamic Revolution, women have been required to cover their hair in public, but many are now challenging this rule, especially after the death of Mahsa Amini sparked protests.

The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights expressed concern about the creation of a new body within the Revolutionary Guard Corps responsible for enforcing headscarf laws. Additionally, there is a bill on the verge of approval by the Guardian Council that would impose even harsher penalties for violating the dress code. The High Commission is urging Iranian authorities to cancel the death sentence of rapper Toomaj Salehi, who supported the protest movement and is currently imprisoned. They are calling for his immediate and unconditional release.

By Samantha Smith

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