NASA Chose Scientists to Join ESA’s Hera Mission

ESA’s Hera mission, set to launch in October 2024, will involve the collaboration of 12 selected scientists from NASA who will bring their expertise to this groundbreaking research endeavor. The mission aims to further explore the impact of NASA’s DART spacecraft on the binary asteroid system Didymos and its moonlet Dimorphos, which was impacted by DART on September 26, 2022.

The goals of the DART and Hera missions are to confirm the kinetic impact method as a viable technology for diverting an asteroid heading towards Earth, if such a threat is identified. Additionally, the missions aim to increase our understanding of near-Earth asteroids, which pose a potential hazard to our planet.

NASA has selected 12 participating scientists to join ESA’s Hera mission. These scientists will contribute their expertise and work alongside ESA researchers to study the binary asteroid system Didymos and its moonlet Dimorphos. By studying these celestial bodies, they hope to validate the kinetic impact method as a means of deflecting asteroids on a collision course with Earth.

Through this combined effort between NASA and ESA, the Hera mission will provide vital insights into the potential for using kinetic impact technology to safeguard Earth from asteroid impacts. By learning more about near-Earth asteroids and their characteristics, scientists hope to enhance our ability to respond to potential threats and protect our planet from this natural hazard. The research conducted during the Hera mission will contribute to our understanding of asteroid deflection methods and inform future planetary defense strategies.

By Samantha Smith

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