Laurie Panella recognized in BizTimes Milwaukee’s list of distinguished women in the field of technology

Laurie Panella, the chief information officer of Marquette University, has been recognized as one of the Notable Women in Technology by BizTimes Milwaukee. She leads the Office of Information Technology Services at the university, where she oversees the development and implementation of its technology strategy. Under her leadership, Laurie has transformed her department into a strategic partner of the university, changing its culture and perception.

The Notable Women in Technology list is part of BizTimes Milwaukee’s Notable series, which honors leaders in the southeastern Wisconsin business community. In addition to Laurie Panella, two alumnae were also recognized on the list. Lena DeLaet, the director of sales and Summerfest Tech at Milwaukee World Festival, and Angela Johnson, the chief information security officer and vice president of IS infrastructure at Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin. These women are making significant contributions to the field of technology in their respective roles.

Laurie heads the IT services that support various aspects of academic and administrative computing at Marquette University. This includes classroom technology, administrative systems, application development, network infrastructure, cybersecurity, data analytics, support services, and telecommunications. Her team works tirelessly to ensure that these services run smoothly and efficiently.

Joel Pogodzinski, the executive vice president and chief operating officer at Marquette University praised Laurie’s efforts in transforming her department into a strategic partner of the university. He stated that she has played a key role in changing its culture and perception by implementing new technologies and processes that have improved efficiency and productivity across campus.

Lena DeLaet is responsible for sales at Milwaukee World Festival’s Summerfest Tech event while also leading technical operations for this event. She has helped to grow this event into one of the largest music festivals in North America with an impressive technological infrastructure behind it all.

Angela Johnson is responsible for leading cybersecurity efforts at Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin while also overseeing IS infrastructure management teams across multiple campuses throughout Southeast Wisconsin. Her work helps ensure that patient data is secure while also improving overall IT efficiency through automation processes.

In conclusion, these women are leaders in their respective fields who have made significant contributions to technology through their unique approaches to problem-solving and leadership styles.

By Samantha Smith

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