Incorporating Climate Science into Education mainstream

The global community is facing a critical moment as the climate crisis continues to escalate. With this sense of urgency comes a flood of information, ranging from accurate to misleading, on the topic of climate change. To effectively address this pressing issue, it is essential for individuals to have a thorough understanding of climate science and its impacts.

In order to promote a scientific understanding of climate change among the public, UNESCO partnered with 9 other United Nations agencies to create a series of 27 informative posters. These posters, produced under the United Nations’ Issue-based Coalition on Climate Change and Resilience (IBC-CCR), aim to consolidate the wealth of climate knowledge available within the United Nations.

By arming ourselves with accurate information about climate change, we can better equip ourselves to both mitigate its effects and adapt to the new realities we are facing. It is more important than ever for individuals to grasp the complexities of climate science in order to make informed decisions and take necessary actions to combat the climate crisis.

By Samantha Smith

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