UN Warns World of Climate Change Impact through Brazil Floods

Nearly 389,000 people in Rio Grande do Sul remain displaced from their homes following the worst disaster in the region’s history. The recent record floods in southern Brazil resulted in over 170 deaths and are a sign of more disasters to come in the Americas due to climate change. According to Andrew Harper, a special advisor on climate action to UNHCR, the intensity of the rain and flooding can be attributed to climate change, making such events twice as likely to occur.

Harper describes a flooded neighborhood in Porto Alegre as a “ghost town” where everything had died due to being underwater for nearly 40 days. Despite the water receding, residents have not returned as their homes are surrounded by waterlogged debris and garbage, with many still living in shelters. UNHCR is working with local authorities to assist in building temporary housing for displaced residents, including Venezuelan refugees who had resettled in Porto Alegre.

However, Harper notes that some areas may never be resettled due to repeated flooding, creating climate migrants in the process. He emphasizes the need for governments to be better prepared for such disasters, as they are likely to become more frequent and severe in the future. Harper urges governments to identify and include vulnerable populations in their climate plans, such as the neighborhood in Porto Alegre. He stresses the importance of heeding warning signs and taking action to address the impacts of climate change, as ignoring these issues can have devastating consequences.

By Samantha Smith

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