Parasitic Worms Found in the Female Body: 6 Types

A routine health check at Medlatec General Hospital recently led to a shocking diagnosis for a 38-year-old female patient. During the check-up, she underwent an abdominal ultrasound and basic blood tests, which revealed liver damage. Further testing showed positive results for 6 types of parasites, including roundworms, strongyloides, dog and cat roundworms, large liver flukes, and small liver flukes.

The severity of her condition prompted the patient to be transferred to the Central Tropical Diseases Hospital for treatment. It was discovered that her parasitic infection was likely caused by her habit of eating raw vegetables and frequent contact with cats and dogs. Despite displaying no major health symptoms, the regular health check was pivotal in identifying the disease and initiating prompt treatment.

Dr. Ngo Chi Cuong, Head of the Department of Internal Medicine, emphasized the rarity of this case and highlighted the importance of maintaining proper dietary hygiene practices to prevent such infections. Liver fluke infection can lead to serious complications such as acute cholangitis, liver abscess, cholecystitis, and subcapsular hematoma of the liver if left untreated. Similarly, infection with roundworms from dogs and cats can result in persistent itching and potential damage to the central nervous system.

To prevent helminth diseases like these, doctors recommend following dietary hygiene principles such as avoiding raw or undercooked meat

By Samantha Smith

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