Díaz of Spain advocates for inclusion of social economy portfolio in new Commission – Euractiv

As the Deputy Prime Minister and Labour Minister of Spain, Yolanda Díaz has emphasized the need for a dedicated commissioner responsible for the social economy in the next European Commission. She expressed her support for European organizations and platforms that promote the social economy, calling them vital to the EU’s current needs.

Díaz spoke at an event organized by Social Economy Europe (SEE), which represents millions of social enterprises and organizations in the EU bloc. She praised the Liège Roadmap as an essential guide to prioritizing the social economy on the European political agenda.

The Spanish Deputy Prime Minister also highlighted the importance of renewing the Social Economy Intergroup in the European Parliament with support from over 100 MEPs from different political groups. She outlined plans to make the social economy a central element in EU industrial, economic, and social policies, with increased financial allocation and a clear timetable for implementing the European Action Plan for the Social Economy.

In collaboration with labor and social affairs ministers across Europe, Díaz pledged to work towards making the social economy a strategic axis in coordinating budgetary, economic, and social policies within the framework of the European Semester.

By Samantha Smith

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