Uniforms and sports equipment stolen from Stoneham, MA High School – NBC Boston

In Stoneham, Massachusetts, the upcoming season for Stoneham High School’s Athletics Department is in danger due to a misunderstanding that led to the theft of their uniforms and equipment. During an alumni event on Tuesday, alumni were allowed to walk through the school building, which will be torn down this summer for a new facility. Despite locking the locker rooms, alumni gained access and stole uniforms and equipment. It is unclear how they were able to do this and the Athletics Department has requested any information about the missing items be shared.

The Athletics Department at Stoneham High School has reached out for help in finding the stolen items, which puts their upcoming season at risk. The school is unable to afford new uniforms and equipment, and without them, their athletes may not be able to compete properly. The department has made public pleas on social media and through local news outlets for the return of the stolen items. Additionally, Stoneham police have shared the message in hopes of finding whoever took them.

The current athletes of Stoneham High School deserve to have access to proper equipment in order to compete at their best. The Athletics Department is asking for anyone with information about the missing items to come forward so that they can ensure their season continues as planned. Without these items, their season could be put in jeopardy.

By Samantha Smith

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